
Connecting Discussion General discussion Improving Primary Care research - the IP voice
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We are really hoping to include the voices of all professions in our CRISP survey to improve the reporting of primary care research. Please chck our this brief online survey and help by sending this request out to your practicing colleagues in all primary care related fields.

We need your expertise and opinions about ways researchers can improve the way they report the research they do in, on and about primary care.  We are conducting this brief survey to understand the views of clinicians about primary care research and how it can better help them in their daily clinical practices. The results of this survey will help our CRISP team in their effort to develop consensus guidelines for reporting primary care research.

Please follow this link to the short survey - less than 10 minutes:


ALSO: Please forward this email to other primary care clinicians who may be interested in sharing their views.  We also want to reach out to non-physician PC clinicans: nurses, PAs, dentists, counsellors, pharmacists, etc. Consider colleagues in other countries.

Your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your participation is entirely voluntary; you can skip any questions or quit at any time. This study has been exempted by the Human Subjects Division of the University of Washington, Seattle.

After completing the questionnaire, you can volunteer to take part in our Delphi Group, to help develop a consensus list of reporting items in primary care. 

Thank you. Co-Conveners, CRISP  https://sites.uw.edu/crisprec/

William R. Phillips, MD, MPH, FAAFP. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.  USA, wphllps@uw.edu    

Liz Sturgiss, BMed, PhD, FRACGP, MPH, MForensMed